Automatic Golf Customer Portal (login) Page

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Enter your username and password to sign in and access your paid content. If you have any issues please try the "Forgot your password?" feature first. If you're still having issues please send a message by clicking  here. Note - some older customers (who purchased before mid 2021), will need to contact me to have their account upgraded.
Old Look & Shoot Customer? (2021 or earlier)

Get the updated version by clicking right here.

Please enter your details below to access your paid purchases. 

If you have forgotten your password (or don't have one), then please try the "Forgot your password" feature below. The system will send you a link to reset your password almost immediately. If you can't find this password please check in your spam/junk folder. 

Having issues? Please see below for detailed support.

[Important] Want to resend your password?

You can resend a new password to yourself by clicking the "Forgot your password" link above. Please note:

1. You'll need to use the same email address you used at your order (if the system doesn't recognise your email then you may have entered an incorrect email during the order process or you used a different email address). Please let me know if you're having trouble - here.

2. Please check your spam folder folder for the reset email. For some reason these emails like to go anywhere but your main inbox. If you can’t find the password reset email, it’s almost certainly hiding in a junk/spam folder.

3. The reset email looks something like this (please follow the instructions inside the email to reset password).

Two more things: If you reset your password multiple times you’ll render any previous password reset attempt void. So please use the process once and follow the instructions. Some clients have attempted to reset the password multiple times in a short period of time resulting in confusion.

Finally, the system will send you a password the very first time you place an order. You will need to use this password the first time you login. Once you login the first time, you can change the password to something that suits you. If you have ordered something from me previously, you can use your last password to access the portal.

See below for more troubleshooting.
Are you having issues logging in? Please read carefully

If you are having issues logging in please read the below very carefully. The following is meant with full respect but in almost all cases, all issues are operator error and/or are caused by not following the steps outlined.

1. The system works every time. The username and password process works every time (all issues are caused by user error. These errors include, typing email or password incorrectly)

2. Ensure your email and password have been entered EXACTLY - I recommend you copy and paste the password (especially the first time). Note - once you login the first time you are able to change your password to something memorable.

3. If you choose to reset the password you'll render the previous password void and you'll need to retrieve the new password from your email address. Sometimes, this new password will go to your junk/spam folder.

4. THIS IS PROBABLY THE CAUSE OF MOST ISSUES: If you try and reset the password multiple times it's easy to lose track of the latest password. So please use this feature once and wait for the password to arrive. It's usually immediate but may take a few minutes to arrive. And, as mentioned previously, the new password email may go to junk or spam folder.

5. If you have not received any email with login instructions there are THREE possible causes;

a. emails are going into your spam/junk folder. Please check there for the welcome emails

b. you entered an incorrect email address at the time of order. This will cause all sorts of issues and if you can't find anything from me (emails with instructions) you'll need to go here and tell me as much info as possible (which product, your correct email address, when you ordered etc?)

c. You have multiple email addresses and have used a different email when you ordered than you think (i.e. used a work email instead of your personal one- or vice versa). This has happened many times, so, please, check all your email addresses.

6. The only other issue comes from previous customers who have changed the original password and then forgotten what they changed it to. In this case, you are best to reset password ONCE.

7. If you’re an existing customer from 2021 (or before) and can’t login there is a known issue where your previous account has not migrated over to this new portal. Please contact me and your account can be upgraded.

In summary: the system has worked seamlessly for 5+ years and ALL login issues in that time have been operator error. So please take your time to follow these instructions and almost certainly you'll be able to login. If you have any questions or are still having trouble, please contact me here. I kindly ask that you provide as much info as possible.

In the unlikely event that there's an issue with the system, please contact me and I'll forward the problem to the IT support team. There's usually at least a 24 - 48 hour response time - but the need for this is extremely rare and once again, issues have been found to be user error.

Regards, Cameron

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