Is it time to get your golfing "head"
into the right place?

Playing great golf can be counter-intuitive. 

While it seems like the right thing to do, trying hard, taking lots of lessons and working continuously on your swing rarely breeds the results you're looking for. 

So why am I telling you all of this? Because I've just released my Automatic Golf Reboot Training Course. This golf specific training has been created to help frustrated golfers everywhere break free from that golfing slump and horrible inconsistent scores.

And absolutely, 100%, it has been designed to give you back your confidence. To allow you to be in control and play the kind of golf you know you're capable of.

It's a step-by-step training that coaches you through from inconsistency and frustration to owning the best version of your golf game.

There's mental training.
There's some discipline and attitude stuff.
There's golf specific training.

There's some commonsense too.

Now, I've gotta be honest here. I've spent over 20 years putting this information together.

And some of it flies in the face of traditional golf instruction. Some of the establishment won't like it. And some of it seems counter-intuitive. But this is why it works.

If you keep doing the same thing over and over but expect a different result, then you're half way to the mental asylum. 

How does this training work?

You get immediate access to 31* of my most important golf lessons.

The lessons are powerful. But they're also short and easy to understand. You can give each lesson your full attention. You won't get distracted. You can dive right in or you can take your time. There is no rush.

This is not an information dump. This is ground breaking content that has been created to alter your game and your mindset for the better.

And this is just the start of it. There's an audio version of each lesson. This way you can read the lesson and listen to it too. You're hitting your learning system from two angles. It's way more effective this way.

Here's the deal. Automatic Golf Reboot Express is my life's work. I have broken down over 400 golf lessons into the very best 31.

So here's my offer to you. You get immediate access to this mental, attitude and mindset training right away. There's nothing posted to you. The content is stored on a private website and you can start in the next 5 minutes.

*31 at time of writing. I may add to this number in time.

All pricing in USD. No change of mind refunds.

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Automatic Golf Reboot$97

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  • 1xAutomatic Golf Reboot$97

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