Audiobook Version

Yes, I'm ready to learn about this really simple golf swing and take my game to a brand new level. I understand you're going to show me;

  • The single greatest golf swing philosophy as discovered by the smartest sports scientists on the planet
  • Why almost all "traditional" technical advice is not helping your golf game and almost certainly making it worse
  • The amazing golf learning drills that enable you to take your golf swing to the course and perform masterfully
  • How to hit the ball further without placing undue stress and strain on your body
  • How to bypass 50+ years of confusing tips, tricks and techniques that are so prevalent in the golfing world and hit the ball so well you'll probably surprise yourself
  • How to find your natural game (this is vastly more reliable (and powerful) than anything else you've ever been shown)
  • How to fix any swing fault quickly, easily and without needing a degree in mathematics or physics
  • Why you don't need to be a contortionist and to keep forcing your body into horrible and uncomfortable positions
  • How to practice from home in as little as 5 minutes and start seeing positive results
  • How to make golf FUN again (and unlock your real natural potential)
  • Plus lots more

I understand that this is a digital product and access is instantaneous (there is nothing posted to me in the mail).  Offer includes the official audiobook and bonus audio recorded by Cameron.

I appreciate that I MUST take my time to enter my email address correctly to avoid delay in getting access. 

Audiobook runs for over 2 hours and bonus audio is approximately 25 minutes.

There are no change of mind refunds available. All pricing is in USD


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Special Offer - Golf Swing Training Videos

Golf Swing Domination was created almost by accident and in a strange way, led to the book, UnF*ck Your Golf Swing.

I spent a week with my best Automatic Golf client - John "Steady" Stead.

We ended up shooting some videos and going deeper with the golf swing learning process.

Anyway, if you get the audiobook, you will probably like these videos too - I practically walk Steady through all my ideas about the golf swing and unlocking your best version of yours.

This is a special one-time offer for the video version of the book.

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UnF*ck Your Golf Swing Official Audiobook$35

  • Total payment
  • 1xUnF*ck Your Golf Swing Official Audiobook$35

All prices in USD